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Celine's Cuisine
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cool Guys....Wordpress here I am
I have been using Blogger for 2 years now, it was nice at the beginning but lately I felt frustrated by the not that friendly user system they offer, it was taken me hours and days to get answers to my questions, and when you are not a " computer" person you need easy stuff.. not complicated. My husband raved about Wordpress telling me that it would be perfect for my blog.After some thoughts and great reviews I decided to switch to Wordpress today, my new Blog is http://celinescuisine.wordpress.com/, check their cool picture and Story Wordpress Our Story
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Make Sunday, Crepes Day!

Sometimes routines are good. I do not have really routines when I cook for my family. I have a Menu for each week and I make my Shopping list before going to the grocery shop and Farmer's Market, but if I see beautiful Artichokes, Spinach, cauliflower, Organic meat, fresh eggs I may end up buying them to add up into my menu!
But since we moved to our new house I instored a Crepes Day! This is so great, easy, delicious and fun!
Every Sunday morning I make the Crepes batter, then put the batter in the fridge, and then around 5-6 pm I am starting to cook them.
The smell of Crepes in the pan ... is so yummy and addictive! No need to call everybody to have them ready to eat they asking about the crepes as soon as they smell them.Then everyone can fill them up with what they want it can be sweet or Savory or both! Crepes are so versatiles. My husband like them with sugar, my kids with Nutella, I prefer mine folded into squares stuffed with Gruyere... and then the last one with sugar and cherries or any fruits ...
I know when kids are all grown up, they will remember Sunday as Crepes day
We have them with hot cocoa, or Cafe au Lait. My husband is the one crazy about Crepes I never make enough, he can eat 10 in a row and not getting any pound!
French Crepes
3 eggs
1-1/4 C. flour shifted
2-1/4 C. milk
2 Tbsp. melted butter, plus more to cook the crepes in
1 tsp. salt
Preheat a pan (Crepe pan or an 8 inch non-stick pan) over medium heat. Mix eggs and a cup of the milk. Add in dry ingredients. Mix quickly. Add in the rest of the milk and melted butter; combine well. You can use also a blender. This is a very thin batter, not like pancakes. Set aside for at least 20 minutes
Put a generous bit of butter (I cut the end of a butter stick and roll it into my hot pan.) Once it is melted, pour about 1/4 cup batter into the pan. Let the Crepe cook for about one minute until golden, then flip and cook on other side about one minute . Can it be more simple that that?
Put butter in the pan each time you cook another crepes..
How do you like your crepes?
Friday, March 13, 2009

When I was living in New York city I worked in the Village. One of my favorite place in the entire world, Everyday on my way to work, I passed by a little middle Estearn restaurant called Mamnou's Falafel
the smell in front of the restaurant was very exotic. a friend of mine told me about this place and raved about their Falafel. Falafel??? I had no clue what it was… and actually I never stopped and eat at that restaurant, What a shame! Today some 15 years later I was craving for the smell I loved so much…
The actual origins of falafel are not certain; according to the Hebrew-language paper, Ynetnews, "A possible theory suggests falafel was invented some 1000 years ago by the Egyptian Copts, who brought it with them to the rest of the Middle East."[3] Originally made with fava beans in Egypt, the dish later migrated northwards, where chickpeas were introduced instead.[2] The chickpea was used as a food item in the Levant before 4000 BC.[4]
I found a great Recipe on the New York Times
The classic recipe calls for Pita or flat bread, I used Flour Tortilla ( hey I live in Southern California! i stuffed it with , lettuce, fresh parsley, lamb sausage cut in small pieces and as a sauce I mixed TJ's Greek Style yogurt, grated fresh garlic and their famous Organic Creamy blue cheese dressing!
Results? the smell in my kitchen was not the same as I am dreaming about, but when I put my nose just above them I could smell something great. The discovery of Falafel was worth it, it is very nutritious, exotic, and light and really good and tasty calling for a little Escapade in New York or Middle Eastern....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I can hear you asking in front of your computer" What's that???Arv Idyll I can't even say it. Is is a new recipe from Celine's Cuisine?
No I am not going to share a recipe today only some thoughts about my Ikea's China...
When it comes to china, plates, bowls, glasses and any accessories for my Kitchen this is hard to resist from Ikea’s Stores. I try not going to much because every time I go, I pick things I am not even sure I need but I love Ikea and the Scandinavian Atmosphere. Once, I stepped into their stire I am like Alice in Wonderland, I do not know if this is the smell of their Swedish meatballs or their Cramberries.....In my former life I am sure I lived in Sweeden, on a little island, surrounded by trees, wood , living in a small little white cottage. Everything inside is white too, the wooden floor, the table....Yes I love the Scandinavian Way of life ( the Good way because some people think that they drink and smoke too much) , a respect for the earth and nature, a simple, natural life, they ride bikes, they eat healthy, they have cozy homes for harsh winters, I like their decoration the old and the new style. And of my favorite Blog is still chez Larsson that I consult on a daily basis.
Today I wanted to share with you my daily China: Cream and Dark Blue, prefect for my little cottage... Bowls, Plates and soup plates.. so lovely on my wooden kitchen table with candles, linen napkins, raffia caraffe....
My pictures may look not warm and even little austere but my table setting is always warm and even funny ( forks placed on the wrong side...something is alays missing...). Our meals are always fun and active we play " I spy" with the kids while eating, we play spelling names, we play with colors and shapes of food...
We do not use plastic plates or fork and not paper napkin... never even for pinic I bring sometimes heavy stuff but lately I noticed Bamboo picnic plates and forks..another post soon!
What is your Daily China?

My Daily China ARV IDYLL at Ikea
No I am not going to share a recipe today only some thoughts about my Ikea's China...
When it comes to china, plates, bowls, glasses and any accessories for my Kitchen this is hard to resist from Ikea’s Stores. I try not going to much because every time I go, I pick things I am not even sure I need but I love Ikea and the Scandinavian Atmosphere. Once, I stepped into their stire I am like Alice in Wonderland, I do not know if this is the smell of their Swedish meatballs or their Cramberries.....In my former life I am sure I lived in Sweeden, on a little island, surrounded by trees, wood , living in a small little white cottage. Everything inside is white too, the wooden floor, the table....Yes I love the Scandinavian Way of life ( the Good way because some people think that they drink and smoke too much) , a respect for the earth and nature, a simple, natural life, they ride bikes, they eat healthy, they have cozy homes for harsh winters, I like their decoration the old and the new style. And of my favorite Blog is still chez Larsson that I consult on a daily basis.
Today I wanted to share with you my daily China: Cream and Dark Blue, prefect for my little cottage... Bowls, Plates and soup plates.. so lovely on my wooden kitchen table with candles, linen napkins, raffia caraffe....
My pictures may look not warm and even little austere but my table setting is always warm and even funny ( forks placed on the wrong side...something is alays missing...). Our meals are always fun and active we play " I spy" with the kids while eating, we play spelling names, we play with colors and shapes of food...
We do not use plastic plates or fork and not paper napkin... never even for pinic I bring sometimes heavy stuff but lately I noticed Bamboo picnic plates and forks..another post soon!
What is your Daily China?

My Daily China ARV IDYLL at Ikea

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What's for Lunch?

Vegetable Fish Tuna cakes

I know , here in the States people have really a big meal at dinner time and that's it.In France we have 2 big meals 1 for lunch ( it takes 2 hours between the starter, main, the dessert the Expresso and reading the newspaper or smoking a cigarette), and for diner: soup, main , and dessert.
But we do not eat between meals " on ne grignote pas entre les repas", this is why we need to eat our lunch. For lunch here in the States people eat salads, sandwich... what ever they can eat and working at the same time... or driving at the same time.
We sticked with the French tradition and if sometimes we have sandwich or salad at lunch usually I use Leftovers for a complete meal. Monday my kids did not have school and I needed something quick and good for them. It as noon. Nothing was done and I had no idea about the menu! I opened my fridge, and my pantry : Zuchinis, sweet potatoes, eggs and Tuna! Voila I decided to make healthy Vegetable Tuna Fish cakes.
I grated all the vegetables and when they were cooked I added my Tuna.
Then I mixed with eggs and little of Rice flour.... the result was beautiful and declicious. My kids who never had it before were telling me " C'est bon" my son emptied his plate in 5 minutes.
My Zuchinis, swet potatoes and tuna Fish cakes
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 cloves Garlic, crushed
1 red Onion, finely chopped
4 Organic Sweet Potatoes peeled and grated
6 small Organic Zuchinis peeled and grated
2 tins Tuna, drained
Fresh Parsley, shredded
Salt & Pepper
Rice Flour
25g Butter
1 egg
In a frying pan, heat the olive oil and gently fry the garlic, onion for 2-3 minutes, add zuchini and sweet potatoes. Pour un a large bowl and set aside
Add the tuna , to the bowl and mix well. Season well with salt & pepper. Mix everything with one egg.
Take a rounded tablespoon of the mixture and roll into a ball in your hands. Flatten into a 'cake' and roll in the Rice Flour to coat. Repeat with remaining mixture.
Take the frying pan and melt the butter. Fry the fishcakes for a couple of minutes on each side until golden.
Recipe approved and tested by kids!
Healthy lunch,
Lunch for kids,
Tuna Fish cakes
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My new kitchen, my new home-office, my new life

My Home-Office

My Kitchen with my kids art display
One month ago we found a lovely house for rent, in the same City we have been living for 3 years already! It was love at the first-sight. As soon as I opened the beautiful Hacienda-wooden style front door I entered a dream house with huge windows, high ceiling, 3 fireplaces, beautiful wooden floor, an amazing garden with luxuriant trees and plants and a beautiful swimming pool ideal to cool off during the very hot Summer we can’t tolerate in the Inland Valley anymore, now the kids are getting older and they learn swimming.
We are almost settled and it is always a pleasure to live every second in this house. We all love it!
I have my Home office right in the Family room near the kitchen, when I open the French Door nearby I have a view on the garden and I can hear the birds singing, the water of the water pool… I LOVE it!
This should be the best place to work, write my new recipes, write new columns in local magazines and promote my business… stay tuned and I tell you more about it soon!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Daring Bakers- Feb challenge Chocolate Valentino with Classic Vanilla Ice Cream

My husband is the Ice Cream man in the family! He is the one who bought the Ice cream maker few years ago and it is him who has been in charge of incredible Orange Ice creams. But last year I had an amazaing Strawberry Sorbet experience at Chez Panisse and I started enjoying some ice cream/ sorbet creations .So I was happy to see the new Daring Bakers challenge with Vanilla Ice cream. I love this challenge no too demanding in the kitchen easy to realize with ingredients you have in your friedge and your pantry and at the end you have created someting that you may never have. This is why I love DB challenges because you make things you do not usually make.
So this morning I started to make the Ice cream since I needed few hours to freeze it. I knew right away that the Whipped cream with the egg custard would be fantastic and it was. This ice cream as so rich, creamy and delicious. The cake was a little dry I left it a few extra minutes in the oven but all together it was a pure delight!
Thanks Daring Bakers another lovely challenge I enjoyed tremendously!
Chocolate Valentino
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
16 ounces (1 pound) (454 grams) of semisweet chocolate, roughly chopped
½ cup (1 stick) plus 2 tablespoons (146 grams total) of unsalted butter
5 large eggs separated
1. Put chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water) and melt, stirring often.
2. While your chocolate butter mixture is cooling. Butter your pan and line with a parchment circle then butter the parchment.
3. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and put into two medium/large bowls.
4. Whip the egg whites in a medium/large grease free bowl until stiff peaks are formed (do not over-whip or the cake will be dry).
5. With the same beater beat the egg yolks together.
6. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate.
7. Fold in 1/3 of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture and follow with remaining 2/3rds. Fold until no white remains without deflating the batter. {link of folding demonstration}
8. Pour batter into prepared pan, the batter should fill the pan 3/4 of the way full, and bake at 375F/190C
9. Bake for 25 minutes until an instant read thermometer reads 140F/60C.
Note – If you do not have an instant read thermometer, the top of the cake will look similar to a brownie and a cake tester will appear wet.
10. Cool cake on a rack for 10 minutes then unmold.
Dharm's Ice Cream Recipe
Classic Vanilla Ice Cream
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Recipe comes from the Ice Cream Book by Joanna Farrow and Sara Lewis (tested modifications and notes in parentheses by Dharm)
1 Vanilla Pod (or substitute with vanilla extract)
300ml / ½ pint / 1 ¼ cups Semi Skimmed Milk – in the U.S. this is 2% fat (or use fresh full fat milk that is pasteurised and homogenised {as opposed to canned or powdered}). Dharm used whole milk.
4 large egg yolks
75g / 3oz / 6 tbsp caster sugar {superfine sugar can be achieved in a food processor or use regular granulated sugar}
5ml / 1 tsp corn flour {cornstarch}
300ml / ½ pint / 1 ¼ cups Double Cream (48% butter fat) {in the U.S. heavy cream is 37% fat)
{you can easily increase your cream's fat content by heating 1/4 cup of heavy cream with 3 Tbs of butter until melted - cool to room temperature and add to the heavy cream as soon as whisk marks appear in the cream, in a slow steady stream, with the mixer on low speed. Raise speed and continue whipping the cream) or use heavy cream the difference will be in the creaminess of the ice cream.
1. Using a small knife slit the vanilla pod lengthways. Pour the milk into a heavy based saucepan, add the vanilla pod and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse
Lift the vanilla pod up. Holding it over the pan, scrape the black seeds out of the pod with a small knife so that they fall back into the milk. SET the vanilla pod aside and bring the milk back to the boil.
2. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and corn-flour in a bowl until the mixture is thick and foamy. 3. Gradually pour in the hot milk, whisking constantly. Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle hear, stirring all the time
4. When the custard thickens and is smooth, pour it back into the bowl. Cool it then chill.
5. By Hand: Whip the cream until it has thickened but still falls from a spoon. Fold it into the custard and pour into a plastic tub or similar freeze-proof container. Freeze for 6 hours or until firm enough to scoop, beating it twice (during the freezing process – to get smoother ice cream or else the ice cream will be icy and coarse)
By Using and Ice Cream Maker: Stir the cream into the custard and churn the mixture until thick (follow instructions on your ice cream maker)
Friday, February 20, 2009
OH! un poivrier in my Garden!

Between the houses searching, the packing, the moving and the unpacking plus my son knocked out his front teeth, I was not able to maintain my Blog!
So indeed last week we've moved to another house. While touring the nice, large and private backyard my friend Jocelyne told me we had some 3 " Poivriers" in the garden, these trees provide peppercorn! She also said that when it's blooming the scent is wonderful.
I thought it will be great to go outside my garden and take some fresh peppercorn from my garden what a treat!
A bientot!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sexy Paris Hilton eating an hamburger

I know there was a controversy about Paris Hilton eating a huge hamburger in a swimsuit. I am not offended.Not at all. And you?
Do you know when I am offended? When waiting at a red traffic light and on my side I can see someone seating in her car and eating in the most disgusting way its hamburger at 9 am in the morning.... Yesterday I watched that for 5 minutes... yes the red traffic light was pretty long and I was opset because I was late for an apointment. And from the angle of my eyes I saw this women ( she was huge... but this is the truth) eating and enjoying every bite of her hamburger, once in a whille she was cleaning up some driping sauce over her T-shirt. Yes I was offended. It made me sick. I think America can do better than that....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My Little So-Cal Sushine Salad
Rain, rain, Rain clouds, gray, black.... yes you are in Southern California and it is raining!
So I made a delicious simple salad yellow, and golden for a little sunshine in our plates!
Oranges, Dates and Hearts of Palm with Honey Citrus vinaigrette
-8 TO 12 ounces canned hearts of palm sliced
- 5 fresh dates cut in small pieces
- 2 fresh Organic Navel oranges peeled
- Fresh pepper
Honey citrus vinaigrette- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tbspoon Olive oil
- 3 tabspoon fresh squeezed oarange juice
- 1 tbspoon Honey
In a medium bowl, add salad items and vinaigrette items. Toss until coated.
Arrange salad mixture on serving plates.
If you close you eyes when teating this salad you can go exotic... this is a salad you may eat in Morroco too where Palm trees, Dates and oranges grow everywhere a little like here in Southern California. Southern California as so much in commun with Morroco: same climate, weather, vegetation, even landscape....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
How do you like your Eggs- The Game
I love fresh eggs. I always have 2 Dozen of Eggs in my fridge. I use them for my Creme Caramel, for my omelets, my Fritata, my Quiches.... you name it.
Last time I made Oeufs Cocotte or Bakes Eggs.
Oeuf Cocotte I love this name! It is just an Egg cooked in a ramekin with any ingredients you like. You can also top it with grated cheese. You bake it in the Oven or the Microwave. I like to cook it in a Traditional Oven.
I serve it usually for Dinner but this is can be great for a light lunch with a Salad or Sunday Brunch.
Celine's Oeufs Cocotte
2 servings
- Butter to grease the Ramekins
- 2 tablespoons of Heavy Cream or Creme Fraiche
- 2 Proscuitto Ham slides, cut in tiny pieces
-2 Organic Free Range Eggs
- 1 cup Organic cooked Spinach
- 1 cup grounded Gruyere, Cheddar and Mozarella mix
- Sea Coarse
- Freshly Ground pepper
- Buttered crispy toasted bread
Preheat the oven to 350 F and grease two 6 ramekins with butter. Put your ham, Spinach in the ramekin. Break one egg per ramekin without rupturing the yolks, top with your cheese, salt and pepper.
Place the ramekins in a baking dish and place it in the oven for 15 minutes, depending on how you like your eggs, soft, running or harder.
When ready serve it with crsty buttered toasted bread for dipping.
This is a also a great dish for kids, very complete and healthy too!
The game is easy.You publish on your Blog the recipe related to your favorite “ Egg recipe” with a link to this game.
You leave a comment on this post with a link to your recipe. You e-mail me your picture by e-mail
Email me! with the name of your Blog and your URL.
Before March 10, 2009.
I will publish all the Recap of your Eggs Recipes.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Delicacy for Royalty
Last week at the local Temecula Farmer's Market I stopped at the " Dates" booth. The dates displayed looked so good, I had to get some.
Once I arrived at home I could not resist eating one. It was out of this world, sweet, smooth,creamy almost like honey. I had,1 and 2 and 3. Then I stopped I wanted to show you these beauties.
Originally from Morocco, the Medjool Date was reserved for royal hosts and other dignitaries. Centuries later, in the 1920's, disease threatened the existence of the Medjool Date in Morocco. In a radical move to save the Medjool, the Chariff of Morocco gave the United States, 11 immature palms to replant
Dates may be the oldest tree crop cultivated by man. More that 5,000 years ago this valuable food plant helped sustain desert peoples and nomadic wanderers of the Middle East and North Africa. Dates were also considered a delicacy and served by royalty. Dates were introduced in California in the 18th century by Spanish missionaries. At times, dates are referred to as the "candy that grows on trees."
'Medjool'—formerly exported from Morocco; 11 off-shoots imported into California from Bou Denib oases in French Morocco in 1927; is now marketed as a deluxe date in California; is large, soft, and luscious .
This is a real treat, eating those dates almost from the trees is fantastic. What makes me sad is that only few people know how we have great stuff in Southern California, they do not know how to appreciate it... dates are good for your body rich in vitamins and calories a handful is equivalent to an entire meal. it provide energy and they are easy to take with you everywhere!
Stop eating processed snacks you have the best handy almost in your gardenyard.
Medjol date,
Temecula's Farmer Market
Friday, January 2, 2009
Best of 2008
Tout d'abord, let me offer you my sincere wishes for a Delicious New Year: may you and yours be healthy, wealthy, safe, happy, and well fed throughout thw new Year 2009
I'd like also to take a moment to say Bye- Bye to 2008, and reflect on the good things it has brought.
Beside the concretization of hands-on Cooking Classes with the Murrieta Community Center, beside some great Private Cooking Parties I conducted in different spots in Southern California, beside my Blog writing consistency, displayed Recipes and columns in local magazines, my soon Website launched, a great trip to SF with our best friends, my comeback to Yoga with Sophie’s Classes, my kids now at school for few hours per day, and finding old friends via Facebook, here below, in no particular order, a list of things that have marked my year:
Favorite new recipe: Pate a choux, for Chouquettes, Choux a la Crème, Gougeres.. Mes Chouquettes
Favorite beautiful French food Blogs : Chez Garance - B comme Bon
Favorite Greenest new habits: using reusable shopping bags, using Lemon/ Vinegar/ Baking Soda to clean everything in my home, getting rid of Plastic Containers, keeping all glass jar to keep and organize things in and around the kitchen.
Favorite new dip : Spinach Artichoke Dip From Trader Joe’s
Most inspiring Food Blog exchange: Laurie, Elra and Flo Dalla Mia Cucina, Elra’s Baking , Bretzel et Cafe Creme
Favorite non food-related reads: Betina at Chez Larsson
Favorite new toy: KitchenAid Stand mixer 5 QT
Favorite new hobby Book : Simple Sewing by Lotta
Favorite restaurant: Chez Panisse
share your own best of 2008 list? The comment section is all yours!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Healthy Snack from Spain
Galettes croquantes et craquantes
Long time ago I saw an article in a French Magazine Elle or Marie Claire I do not remember about some " Galettes a l'huile d'olive" and the article was raving about these tryly delicious snack, at this time it was available in a single shop in Paris, but I was living in NYC.
Last week while strolling at Henry's Market in Temecula, completly by chance I saw packs of "Tortas de aceite" from Spain made with Olive Oil. It reminds me the "galettes" I rad about years ago. I bought one pack and brought it back home. I had the first Galetta with some tea. It was light, crispy, delicious. I am keeping the parchment paper they use to wrap up each galetta, I can use use for my baking or to keep some homemade cookies fresh.
Now everytime I go to Henry's Market I get more galettas, I can't help it!
The ingredients are really natural, this is a no processed food perfect for a morning coffee, afternoon tea, late snack...
I am sure that Laurie from
Dalla Mia Cucina will love that!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My Birthday's Cake.
Yesterday was my birthday. And I felt great about it. Actually instead of feeling down at the end because I was one year older I felt relaxed and 5 years younger?
I am going to share my secret. My day evolved in different layers. First J. made my breakfast, then he was completly in charge of the kids for the day. I went to the famous Glen Ivy SPA . On the day of your birthday the entrance is free.
And I was so lucky that the weather was warm enough to just relax on long chairs nearby the floating pools while reading my Body and Soul Magazine.
I used the sauna, the steam room, the pools, the Club Mud...For lunch I sat under the palm trees with a delicious Citrus and Shrimp Salad for only $ 14.
At the end of the day ( I stayed from 10.30 am to 3 pm), you take a shower with a complimentary exofoliant and you shower with products from the SPA.
I felt completly relaxed, and quiet.
When I came home J. was working with the kids on some wrapping paper decoration for my gift ( a Cookbook) and then later they bake my birthday cake. A yogurt Cake.
He got the recipe from the famous
Chocolate & Zuchini
Gâteau au Yaourt
- 2 eggs
- 250ml (1 cup) whole milk plain unsweetened yogurt (if you use two 125ml or 4oz tubs, you can use them to measure out the rest of the ingredients)
- 200g (1 cup) sugar (you can use an empty tub of yogurt and measure the equivalent of 2 yogurt tubs if you used the 125ml or 4oz kind)
- 80ml (1/3 cup) vegetable oil (or a bit less than 1 yogurt tub)
- 2 cups all-purpose flour (or 4 yogurt tubs)
- 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla paste/extract
- 1 tablespoon light rum
Preheat the oven to 180° C (350° F), line the bottom of a round 25-cm (10-inch) cake pan with parchment paper and grease the sides. In a large mixing-bowl, gently combine the yogurt, eggs, sugar, vanilla, oil, and rum. In another bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder. Add the flour mixture into the yogurt mixture, and blend together -- don't overwork the dough. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan, and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the top is golden brown and a cake tester comes out clean. Let stand for ten minutes, and transfer onto a rack to cool.
I had some frosting left from my Yug Log they used it and decorate with whatever was available in the fridge and the pantry for a festive Birthday' Cake.
I open other presents from my friends: Japanese lovely blue spoons, thank you Kumi. A lovely blue satin purse for my bag, thank you Joanie and a cute necklage/ earings duo from Stephanie. Thank you all.
It was a wonderfull birthday, may be the best thanks to my husband and my wonderful and my friends. I feel lucky.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Californian Christmas with a French Twist
I love Christmas holidays: All the anticipation, the expectation, the cookies, the chocolate, the Christmas tree trimming, the lights decoration, the chestnut Stuffed Turkey, the Yug Log ( Buche de Noel), the gifts and my kids’ smile in front of all their presents..
This year we had some cold-cool days before Christmas, so it was nice having some real wooden logs burning in the fireplace, hot cocoa and waqtching some old French Movies.
For Christmas' Eve we had a small dinner over our home. Nathalie and Jean Marie and their daughter Lili joined us. It was a nice, quiet, and very fun evening as usual when we are spend time with them since we are from the same hometown in France we have so many things and memories in common.
I wanted to cook a Traditional French Christmas Dinner for 4. The kids ate before us a simple but delicious Cheese omelet with French beans.
For the Aperitif, we drank some French Champagne I had some Kir Royal (Champagne with blueberries liquor). With this I served some Goat cheese crostinis ( goat cheese spread on fresh bread, with sea salt, thyme and olive oil, broiled in the oven for 6 minutes. Then we had some Mini Quiches from TJ's.
Christmas ' 08 menu
- Watercress soup served with Crème Fraiche
- Free Range Turkey stuffed with Chestnuts, sausage, liver, herbs and cognac.
- French beans with toasted almonds
- Gratin Dauphinois ( actually it stayed in the oven I forgot to serve it)
- Chestnut cooked in the Turkey gravy
- Belgian Endive salad with Roquefort and walnuts
- French cheeses assortments
- 2 Yog Lugs or Buches de Noel. One with berries and Litchis and the other one with Chestnut and crème de marron a la Vanille .
- Coffee served with homemade Mignardises ( Mendiants, Orangettes and Chocolate Croquants)
Verdict: It was a good meal. Not too heavy. We drank also some delicious Californian and French WinesIt was a wonderful prelude for a long Christmas Day with kids at home in our pajamas!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tarte aux oignons, herbes, tapenade et Roquefort
Finaly we have been seeing some "Winter" symptoms lately in Southern California. I can't stand having 85 F during the Holidays Season. It does not make sense to me. So when this is gray, chilly, windy outside I enjoy it!
We will trim our Christmas tree later today, my husband put some of the outside lightnings yesterday afternoon. The houses are pretty big and huge here so it takes some time to put everything together. We may go also for a ride to see all the beautiful Christmas decoration of everyone's house too tonight.
For last night dinner I had some Pastry Puff in the fridge resting ( Artisan from TJ's). I looked in my fridge: I had 1 onion, heavy cream, Ricotta cheese, Green and Black Tapenade and some Roquefor cheese rest and Thym herbs.
So I decided to serve this tart for dinner with a Oganic green slad, walnuts, fresh pears with Huile de Noix .
The result: A-M-A-Z- I-N-G... creamy, tasty so delicious. The marriage with the salad/ fruit/ nuts was all perfect... too bad we did not have any wine left... but it was a wonderful satisfiying meal.
Tarte aux oignons, herbes, tapenade and Roquefort - Onion tart with herbs, tapenade spread and Roquefort cheese.
- 1 Puff Pastry ( Artisan TJ's)
- 1 cup heavy Cream
- 1/2 cup Ricotta cheese
-1/2 cup green/ black olive tapenade
- Salt
- 1 teaspoon flour
- Roquefort cheese crumble
- Butter
1 onion finaly sliced
Preheat an oven 360 F
Press your puff pastry into a a pan quiche or tart.
In a large pan add butter to brown a little add the onion slices. Cook until translucide. When it is ligthly brown add the flour and mix all together. Then add the heavy cream, salt and pepper.
Transfer this mixture into the puff pastty pan, on the top add tapenade, Ricotta, and Roquefort cheese.
Bake the tart until brown.
On the side:
- Organic green salad
- Walnuts oil
- Walnuts
- Fresh pear sliced
- Salt
One salad/ bowl per person. Spread the salad, top ith walnuts, pears slices, sprinkle pepper and salt then finish with your Walnut oil.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
For the first time the DB's Challenge was a perfect timing because I offered to the adults who were attending my kids B'day party.
Usually when I bake a cake through the DB' challenge the quantity is usually so big that after 1 or 2 bites we are done. This time since I bought ( Yes I bought Vanilla Cupcakes for the 17 kids who attended the party... all of them are twins) for the mothers I offered the Caramel Cake . It was a quiet a success. I was very happy with all the process. The caramel was delicious, the frosting out of this world. The cake itself was a little dry I think. May be I should have left the cake chilled out before cutting it.
I may do again this cake... one day!
10 Tablespoons unsalted butter at room temperature
1 1/4 Cups granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/3 Cup Caramel Syrup (see recipe below)
2 each eggs, at room temperature
splash vanilla extract
2 Cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder1 cup milk, at room temperature
Preheat oven to 350FButter one tall (2 – 2.5 inch deep) 9-inch cake pan.In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream butter until smooth. Add sugar and salt & cream until light and fluffy.Slowly pour room temperature caramel syrup into bowl. Scrape down bowl and increase speed. Add eggs/vanilla extract a little at a time, mixing well after each addition. Scrape down bowl again, beat mixture until light and uniform.Sift flour and baking powder.Turn mixer to lowest speed, and add one third of the dry ingredients. When incorporated, add half of the milk, a little at a time. Add another third of the dry ingredients, then the other half of the milk and finish with the dry ingredients. {This is called the dry, wet, dry, wet, dry method in cake making. It is often employed when there is a high proportion of liquid in the batter.}Take off mixer and by hand, use a spatula to do a few last folds, making sure batter is uniform. Turn batter into prepared cake pan.Place cake pan on cookie sheet or 1/2 sheet pan. Set first timer for 30 minutes, rotate pan and set timer for another 15-20 minutes. Your own oven will set the pace. Bake until sides pull away from the pan and skewer inserted in middle comes out clean. Cool cake completely before icing it. Cake will keep for three days outside of the refrigerator.
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup water (for "stopping" the caramelization process)
In a small stainless steel saucepan, with tall sides, mix water and sugar until mixture feels like wet sand. Brush down any stray sugar crystals with wet pastry brush. Turn on heat to highest flame. Cook until smoking slightly: dark amber.When color is achieved, very carefully pour in one cup of water. Caramel will jump and sputter about! It is very dangerous, so have long sleeves on and be prepared to step back.Whisk over medium heat until it has reduced slightly and feels sticky between two fingers. {Obviously wait for it to cool on a spoon before touching it.}Note: For safety reasons, have ready a bowl of ice water to plunge your hands into if any caramel should land on your skin.
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 pound confectioner’s sugar,sifted4-6 tablespoons heavy cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2-4 tablespoons caramel syrupKosher or sea salt to tasteCook butter until brown.
Pour through a fine meshed sieve into a heatproof bowl, set aside to cool.Pour cooled brown butter into mixer bowl.In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle or whisk attachment, add confectioner's sugar a little at a time. When mixture looks too chunky to take any more, add a bit of cream and or caramel syrup. Repeat until mixture looks smooth and all confectioner's sugar has been incorporated. Add salt to taste.Note: Caramelized butter frosting will keep in fridge for up to a month.To smooth out from cold, microwave a bit, then mix with paddle attachment until smooth and light(recipes above courtesy of Shuna Fish Lydon)(Optional)
GOLDEN VANILLA BEAN CARAMELS- makes eighty-one 1-inch caramels
1 cup golden syrup
2 cups sugar
8 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 teaspoons pure ground vanilla beans, purchased or ground in a coffee or spice grinders, or 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into chunks, softened
EquipmentA 9-inch square baking pan Candy thermometer ProcedureLine the bottom and sides of the baking pan with aluminum foil and grease the foil. Combine the golden syrup, sugar, and salt in a heavy 3-quart saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring with a silicone spatula or wooden spoon, until the mixture begins to simmer around the edges. Wash the sugar and syrup from the sides of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in water. Cover and cook for about 3 minutes. (Meanwhile, rinse the spatula or spoon before using it again later.) Uncover the pan and wash down the sides once more. Attach the candy thermometer to the pan, without letting it touch the bottom of the pan, and cook, uncovered (without stirring) until the mixture reaches 305°F. Meanwhile, combine the cream and ground vanilla beans (not the extract) in a small saucepan and heat until tiny bubbles form around the edges of the pan. Turn off the heat and cover the pan to keep the cream hot. When the sugar mixture reaches 305°F, turn off the heat and stir in the butter chunks. Gradually stir in the hot cream; it will bubble up and steam dramatically, so be careful. Turn the burner back on and adjust it so that the mixture boils energetically but not violently. Stir until any thickened syrup at the bottom of the pan is dissolved and the mixture is smooth. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, to about 245°F. Then cook, stirring constantly, to 260°f for soft, chewy caramels or 265°F; for firmer chewy caramels. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract, if using it. Pour the caramel into the lined pan. Let set for 4 to 5 hours, or overnight until firm. Lift the pan liner from the pan and invert the sheet of caramel onto a sheet of parchment paper. Peel off the liner. Cut the caramels with an oiled knife. Wrap each caramel individually in wax paper or cellophane. VariationsFleur de Sel Caramels: Extra salt, in the form of fleur de sel or another coarse flaked salt, brings out the flavor of the caramel and offers a little ying to the yang. Add an extra scant 1/4 teaspoon of coarse sea salt to the recipe. Or, to keep the salt crunchy, let the caramel cool and firm. Then sprinkle with two pinches of flaky salt and press it in. Invert, remove the pan liner, sprinkle with more salt. Then cut and wrap the caramels in wax paper or cellophane. Nutmeg and Vanilla Bean Caramels: Add 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg to the cream before you heat it. Cardamom Caramels: Omit the vanilla. Add 1/2 teaspoon slightly crushed cardamom seeds (from about 15 cardamom pods) to the cream before heating it. Strain the cream when you add it to the caramel; discard the seeds. Caramel Sauce: Stop cooking any caramel recipe or variation when it reaches 225°F or, for a sauce that thickens like hot fudge over ice cream, 228°F. Pour it into a sauceboat to serve or into a heatproof jar for storage. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for ages and reheated gently in the microwave or a saucepan just until hot and flowing before use. You can stir in rum or brandy to taste. If the sauce is too thick or stiff to serve over ice cream, it can always be thinned with a little water or cream. Or, if you like a sauce that thickens more over ice cream, simmer it for a few minutes longer.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My name is Martha
Of course I had NO idea who she was. And that the elegant blond woman on the cover page was Martha Stewart. It was love at first sight.
I liked her ideas, her elegance, her European way of displaying things, why to organize a room.
Then months after months, years after years I devored her magazines, bought her books.
My mother ( who does not speak one work of English) has one in her home : Special issue for the Holidays and I know she is using it for some ideas, every year.
So many books, magazines are out there but Martha Stewart are the best. She is a fine lady.
Today I had some old bananas and I wanted my new White Kitchenaid Hand stand mixer to work a little ( I got it for my Birthday 2 months in advance).
It changed my life. This is so easy to make Creme Chantilly, Brioche, pate a choux...
But I wanted something more American.... I made Martha Stewart Banana Chocolate chunk cookies. They are delicious, perfect with different flavors and texture.. and the coarse sea salt gives a nice quick!
Martha Stewart Banana Chocolate chunk cookies
Makes about 3 dozen
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 large egg
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 large)
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
8 ounces semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped into 1/4-inch chunks
1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts (about 2 ounces), toasted
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Whisk together flours, salt, and baking soda in a small bowl; set aside. Put butter and sugars into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy. Reduce speed to low. Add egg and vanilla; mix until combined. Mix in banana. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in oats, chocolate chunks, and walnuts.
Using a 1 1/2-inch ice cream scoop, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper, spacing about 2 inches apart. Bake cookies, rotating sheets halfway through, until golden brown and just set, 12 to 13 minutes. Let cool on sheets on wire racks 5 minutes. Transfer cookies to wire racks; let cool completely. Cookies can be stored in airtight containers up to 2 days.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Petit Dejeuner Compris - Le Jeu - Breakfast included / Game from Bretzel et Cafe Creme Blog
Petit Dejeuner Compris / The Game
Last September the charming Flo from
invited me and other Bloggers to participate to " Your favorite Breakfast", Petit Dejeuner Compris, Le jeu - Game.
Those who know me very well, know that I never, never have the same breakfast everyday. When I travel I love discovering new breakfast types and goodies.
One day I go for toasted baguette butter and coffee, another morning eggs, bacon, hash-potatoes and fresh squeezed orange juice, another one homemade brioche, another one Blueberries/strrawberries/orange and banana smoothies.... the list is long.
For this game I wanted to share a simple one, but delicious
Ricotta cheese with nuts, fresh fruits and dried fruits and Mapple Sirup. The recipe is in the title!
Depending what you have in your pantry and fridge you can be very adventurous and creative.
I love the soft texture of the fresh Ricotta Cheese, the sweetness of the Mapple Sirup and the crunchness of the grappes and nuts! Very yummy and healthy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The October DBChallenge - Bake Your Pizzas Like A Real Pizzaiolo
We love Pizzas! The first time I had mine when in Nice South of France, my family was traveling from France to Italy for our summer and the first stop at night was in Nice. We had dinner in a small restaurant on a terrasse. I ordered pizza I was pretty young. 12. When the pizza arrived ( Margarita one) it was huge! My parents were laughing and teasing me that I would never eat the entire pizza on my own. I loved every bite. I ate all the pizza...
Since I have been in love with pizza. When we lived in NYC we had at least one pizza a week. And they were excellent. I remembered ordering one day a Pizza Blanca so delicious with ricotta rich cheese, garlic and olive oil the perfect combination.
But for the DB Challange I wanted all my family to eat. My kids are not into garlic yet. So we made 2 pizzas Tomato/ cheese. And 2 tomato/ cheese/ chicken/olives and on one I added Goat cheese.
I did not toss the dought but my kids help me with the rolling pan. They love doing pizza.
Makes 6 pizza crusts (about 9-12 inches/23-30 cm in diameter).Ingredients: 4 1/2 Cups (20 1/4 ounces/607.5 g) Unbleached high-gluten (%14) bread flour or all purpose flour, chilled - Tsp Salt1 Tsp Instant yeast
1/4 Cup (2 ounces/60g) Olive oil or vegetable oil (both optional, but it’s better with)1 3/4 Cups (14 ounces/420g or 420ml) Water, ice cold (40° F/4.5° C)1 Tb sugar
Semolina/durum flour or cornmeal for dusting
1. Mix together the flour, salt and instant yeast in a big bowl (or in the bowl of your stand mixer).2. Add the oil, sugar and cold water and mix well (with the help of a large wooden spoon or with the paddle attachment, on low speed) in order to form a sticky ball of dough. On a clean surface, knead for about 5-7 minutes, until the dough is smooth and the ingredients are homogeneously distributed. If it is too wet, add a little flour (not too much, though) and if it is too dry add 1 or 2 teaspoons extra water.
NOTE: If you are using an electric mixer, switch to the dough hook and mix on medium speed for the same amount of time.The dough should clear the sides of the bowl but stick to the bottom of the bowl. If the dough is too wet, sprinkle in a little more flour, so that it clears the sides. If, on the contrary, it clears the bottom of the bowl, dribble in a teaspoon or two of cold water.The finished dough should be springy, elastic, and sticky, not just tacky, and register 50°-55° F/10°-13° C.
. Flour a work surface or counter. Line a jelly pan with baking paper/parchment. Lightly oil the paper.4. With the help of a metal or plastic dough scraper, cut the dough into 6 equal pieces (or larger if you want to make larger pizzas).
NOTE: To avoid the dough from sticking to the scraper, dip the scraper into water between cuts.5. Sprinkle some flour over the dough. Make sure your hands are dry and then flour them. Gently round each piece into a ball.
NOTE: If the dough sticks to your hands, then dip your hands into the flour again.6. Transfer the dough balls to the lined jelly pan and mist them generously with spray oil. Slip the pan into plastic bag or enclose in plastic food wrap.7. Put the pan into the refrigerator and let the dough rest overnight or for up to thee days.
8. On the day you plan to eat pizza, exactly 2 hours before you make it, remove the desired number of dough balls from the refrigerator. Dust the counter with flour and spray lightly with oil. Place the dough balls on a floured surface and sprinkle them with flour. Dust your hands with flour and delicately press the dough into disks about 1/2 inch/1.3 cm thick and 5 inches/12.7 cm in diameter. Sprinkle with flour and mist with oil. Loosely cover the dough rounds with plastic wrap and then allow to rest for 2 hours.
9. At least 45 minutes before making the pizza, place a baking stone on the lower third of the oven. Preheat the oven as hot as possible (500° F/260° C).
NOTE: If you do not have a baking stone, then use the back of a jelly pan. Do not preheat the pan.10. Generously sprinkle the back of a jelly pan with semolina/durum flour or cornmeal. Flour your hands (palms, backs and knuckles). Take 1 piece of dough by lifting it with a pastry scraper. Lay the dough across your fists in a very delicate way and carefully stretch it by bouncing it in a circular motion on your hands, and by giving it a little stretch with each bounce. Once the dough has expanded outward, move to a full toss.
NOTE: Make only one pizza at a time.During the tossing process, if the dough tends to stick to your hands, lay it down on the floured counter and reflour your hands, then continue the tossing and shaping. In case you would be having trouble tossing the dough or if the dough never wants to expand and always springs back, let it rest for approximately 5-20 minutes in order for the gluten to relax fully,then try again.You can also resort to using a rolling pin, although it isn’t as effective as the toss method.11. When the dough has the shape you want (about 9-12 inches/23-30 cm in diameter - for a 6 ounces/180g piece of dough), place it on the back of the jelly pan, making sure there is enough semolina/durum flour or cornmeal to allow it to slide and not stick to the pan.
12. Lightly top it with sweet or savory toppings of your choice.
C'etait delicieux!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Mes Chouquettes comme a Paris
Now leaving in Southern California where only Trader Joe's display nice desserts and time to time Vallee d'Brumes Pastry Shop, the only way to enjoy delicious desserts is to bake them!
This is why joining Daring Bakers was a great move!
Now I can make my own Chouquettes, it takes no time and everybody love them!
And when I make batches.... up to 30 puffs is pretty good...
Those little cloud puff are light, very versatile. You can use then savory or sweet. Just plain with Coarse Suagr on them or you can stuff them with Creme Chantilly, and top with chocolate sauce, you can make Profiteroles ( stuffed with Vanilla Ice cream) and topped with warm chocolate sauce, or you can stuff them with Blue cheese/ walnut for a great appetizers or Buffet Froid.
Here is the recipe of the cutest, round, light and beautiful name C-H-O-U-Q-U-E-T-T-E-S!
Chouquettes Parisiennes
(About 25 Puffs)
Shaping the mounds of dough is easiest to do with a pastry bag, although you can use a teaspoon.
1 cup (250 ml) water1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 6 tablespoons (90 gr) unsalted butter, cut into small chunks1 cup (135 gr) flour4 large eggs, at room temperature
Glaze: 1 egg yolk, mixed with 1 teaspoon Coarse sugar is available in the US from Ikea.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees (220 C.) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
Heat the water, salt, sugar, and butter in a small saucepan, stirring, until the butter is melted. Remove from heat and dump all the flour in at once. Stir rapidly until the mixture is smooth and pulls away from the sides of the pan.
Allow dough to cool for two minutes, then briskly beat in the eggs, one at a time, until smooth and shiny.
Using a spoon, pastry bag make a mound of dough with one spoon roughly the size of a walnut and scrape it off with the other spoon onto the baking sheet.
Place the mounds evenly-spaced apart on the baking sheet. Brush the top of each mound with some of the egg glaze then press coarse sugar crystals over the top and sides of each mound. Use a lot. Once the puffs expand rise, you'll appreciate the extra effort (and sugar.)
Bake the cream puffs for 35 minutes, or until puffed and well-browned.
(If you want to make them crispier, you can poke a hole in the side with a wooden spoon after you take them out of the oven to let the steam escape.)
The cream puffs are best eaten the same day they're made.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A room of my own- Part 1
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Retour de Marche ( Back from Farmer's Market)
It was a such beautiful Saturday morning in Temecula Valley to go to the Temecula Farmer's Market. All fruits and veggetables were beautiful and the wonderful scent of Goyava fruits and persimon were every where!
Since I decided to try a " One-day energy fast" based on fresh vegetables and fruits juices tomorrow October 19, paying a visit to my favorite place was again a wonderful experience. I ususally share myvisit with my daughter, she was helping me on counting each apple, plum, tomatoe.. she was holding my wallet for the entire visit. Together we were talking about our future menus: Stuffed large tomatoes, Ratatouille, Plums Clafoutis...Yes, yes I will show you all of that...soon!
What you see on the picture above is what I bought for $ 28. What you do not see is a 10lbs of Valencia oranges.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Almost empty fridge
The weather is still warm in Southern California, but yesterday night I was craving for a Autumn/ Fall meal. I made some Organic carrots with herbs. Because I always have Smoked Salmon in my fridge, I thought it will be nice to have some "pink " fish ( I like this name given by my 4 years old daughter... at this age everything has to be pink) served with Organic Blue Cheese dressing, and Tandoori Nanns. I add some rice leftover.
I liked the carrots a lot. You do not think about eating carrots nowadays. And this is a mistake. When you cut them small thy cook very fast. Mine were perfectly cuts in small slices and cooked, with fresh thyme, salt and pepper.
It was a light but delicious meal: vegetables, fish, rice, sauce and bread. A very healthy meal.. que demande le peuple!
NB: Sorry about quality of my pictures taken late yesterday after the political debate.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Simply Rasberries jam
Last week end we went to Oak Glen, CA located in Yucaipa/ Beaumont area. From Temecula you need about 45 minutes to reach this lovely , bucolic place. In the hills, Applesgrowners associated together to make a " Touristic" place. Of course you find the most of American fair stuffs but also you can pick up your own fruits.
Last week we were lucky to grap the last Rasberries. Our kids loved it. You buy litte square basquets and you fill them with Rasberries you find in the cultivated bushes.
You have tons of differents apples and pears trees. All different sorts and names, colors.... All families, children visiting this place were smiling everybody had a good time. Quality time for everybody. You breath fresh air. You drink fresh Apple cider, grap one apple from a tree... We had great time!
Some rasberries left from last week so I decided to make some little jam.
Add some water and a lot of sugar to your rasberries. Cook for 15 minutes. ready.
It was yummy on my bread this morning.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Daring Bakers September Challenge - Lavash Crackers & Toppings
September Challenge - Lavash Crackers & Toppings
Thank you Natalie from Gluten A Go Go, and co-host Shel, of Musings From the Fishbowl for chosing the recipe for Lavash Crackers from Peter Reinhart's The Bread Baker's Apprentice (pp 178 - 180).
This is a great challenge!
The Challenge: Make Lavash Crackers and create a dip/spread/salsa/relish to accompany it. This challenge allows for large helpings of creativity and personality, with the crackers, your flavor choices for the crackers, and with your dip/spread choice. You can create your own dip/spread recipe, use one of your favorites, or use one of the recipes we’ve provided at the bottom of this post. Get crazy ! Just be sure to post the recipe along with your challenge crackers so we can see what you made and how you made it (so we can try it, too!).
Makes 1 sheet pan of crackers
* 1 1/2 cups (6.75 oz) gluten free flour blend (If you use a blend without xanthan gum, add 1 tsp xanthan or guar gum to the recipe) or 1/2 cup brown rice flour, 1/2 cup millet flour, 1/2 cup arrowroot starch, 1 tsp chia seed meal
* 1/2 tsp (.13 oz) salt
* 1/2 tsp (.055 oz) instant yeast
* 1 Tb (.75 oz) agave syrup or sugar
* 1 Tb (.5 oz) vegetable oil
* 1/3 to 1/2 cup + 2 Tb (3 to 4 oz) water, at room temperature
My option: 2 teaspoons chopped orange zest
¼ cup chopped walnuts
were mixed with the dough
1. In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour, salt yeast, agave, oil, and just enough water to bring everything together into a ball. You may not need the full 1/2 cup + 2 Tb of water, but be prepared to use it all if needed. Mix the orange zest and walnuts.
2. For Gluten Free Cracker Dough: The dough should be firmer than French bread dough, but not quite as firm as bagel dough (what I call medium-firm dough), and slightly tacky. Lightly oil a bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it around to coat it with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
3. Ferment at room temperature for 90 minutes, or until the dough doubles in size. (You can also retard the dough overnight in the refrigerator immediately after kneading or mixing).
4. For Gluten Free Cracker Dough: Lay out two sheets of parchment paper. Divide the cracker dough in half and then sandwich the dough between the two sheets of parchment. Roll out the dough until it is a paper thin sheet about 15 inches by 12 inches. Slowly peel away the top layer of parchment paper. Then set the bottom layer of parchment paper with the cracker dough on it onto a baking sheet.
5. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit with the oven rack on the middle shelf. Mist the top of the dough with water and sprinkle a covering with Espelette Pepper, dried basil, sea salt, walnuts finely chopped.
5. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the crackers begin to brown evenly across the top (the time will depend on how thinly and evenly you rolled the dough).
6. When the crackers are baked, remove the pan from the oven and let them cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. You can then snap them apart or snap off shards and serve.
Artichoke dip• 2 cups of frozen artichokes
• 2 cups of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• 1 cup of Greek Yogurt
• Salt and pepper
1 Drain the artichokes from the can. Coarsely chop them.
2 Combine chopped chokes, Parmesan, and Yogurt into a microwave or oven-proof serving dish.
3 Microwave on high heat for 5 minutes, pausing occassionally to stir, to ensure that the dip gets heated evenly. Add fresh ground pepper and salt to taste.
Une Quiche tout simplement!
Pie crust- Pate a tarte
1 cup Organic flour
¼ tsp salt
3 tbsp hard butter, cut in chunks
3 tbsp cold water (approx)
1. In bowl, combine flour & salt. With fingers or
pastry blender, cup or cut in butter until
mixture is crumbly.
2. Sprinkle with cold water, tossing with fork to
mix. Gather dough together and from into ball,
wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes.
3. Roll out on lightly floured surface and fit into
9-inch (23 cm) pie plate.
8" pie crust (homemade- see above the recipe)
4 fresh organic eggs
1/2 cup shredded 3 cheeses
1 Cup Organic heavy cream
1 cup pancetta cut and diced ( bough at TJ’s)
½ cup red/ yellow/green bell pepper diced
1 small onion diced and cut in very small pieces
olive oil
fresh pepper
1. Brown the pie crust by piercing with a fork
several times and bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 min.
2. Saute the pancetta first, then add the onions, then the peppers until cooked
3. Beat eggs, add the heavy cream
4. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup of shredded
5. Add pancetta/onion/ pepper.
6. Mix together eggs, cream, pepper, onion, pancetta
6. Pour in the lightly cooked pie crust
Bake in pre-heated oven at 350 for 30-45 minutes
or until a knife inserted into the centre comes out
clean. Serve with a side salad
*While cooking, eggs will rise like a soufflé and
settle again when taken out of the oven.
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