So many Food Blogs are available now. Some are based on a Specific Country cooking ( French, Italian, Asian...), some are about desserts only, others about Breakfasts, other about lunch when opening one blog you can find all kind of edible treasures.
I am amazed everytime: 1. By the quality of the subject. 2. the way Bloggers write,some should be writters 3. the professional pictures displayed... some are pure beauty.4. Some bloggers can write almost every day about a new subject!How do you keep up on this impossible schedule.
I realise that having a Blog is 24/7 job! You need to think about your next recipe/ cooking, then you need to decide when you are going to cook it, then you make your list, go to the food market or grocery shop and then once it is done do not forget to take pictures, then you load them on your computer, then you write...
How do you write your own blog? do you take notes? How do you chose your subject?
More questions for you Edible bloggers:
My 1st question :How do you stay away from gaining weight... because when you write a blog, you cook and if you cook you eat, taste.
My 2nd question is: how do you keep a normal cooking/ baking budget when you write a blog: you need nice dishes and china to present your creations, you need to buy ingredients, sometimes they are expensive.... what is your secret?
A bientot
NB. By the way on the pictures are some Turrons from Paries St Jean de Luz, Biarrits, Bayonne France Paries
I love the title of this Celine!
I often wonder the same thing..:)
I don't bake goodies as much as I cook meals.
When I joined the Daring Bakers I kind of made a commitment to baking..I gain a few pounds for a few days..but then usually drop the weight running around after my kids. (I have 4)
When it comes to dressing up my dishes for photo's..I buy a lot of clearance plates at Marshalls. I just recently bought a dish for my cocoa pizelle post that was part of a set. On clearance it sold for $1.00. I also bought a beautiful etched glass..that I haven't used yet..for $.50 cents. It was also part of a boxed set that had been broken up.
Budgeting for groceries comes with a whole house budget. I save in other areas of homemaking so I can spend a little more on food. I don't buy canned goods or boxed items, I check movies out at the library for free instead of paying so much at the video store.
There are a lot of little money savings idea's my husband and I had to come up with in order to survive in this economic downslide.. If you ever want to go to the antique markets in Temecula or do a spree at Marshalls let me know! :)
Très bonnes questions...Je crois qu'il est impossible d'être foodbloggeuse et ne pas grossir.Au moins un petit peu. Souvent, pour mon blog, je cuisine et photographie une portion pour une personne même si la recette est pour 6.
Le budget : les recettes de mon blog sont celles que j'aurais fait de toutes les façons donc pour moi cela ne change pas grand chose.
La vaisselle :J'avais déjà de la vaisselle plutôt jolie, mais c'est vrai que comparée à celle d'autres bloggeuses, elle est minable. Mais bon, pas grave...
A bientôt,
Wonderful post. The recipes I use on my blog are what I prepare for my family so the blog's food budget is my family's food budget. The way the food prices are going, I'm probably going to be doing the cheapest dishes possible!
Great post! Blogging in general is like another job but you don't get paid for it. the truth is, though, it's about something we love and we find time for it because at the end of the day, we'd probably rather be doing that for a living! We get to be creative with it and it's fun. I just reason with myself about how much time I'll spend on it. I don't stick to a certain schedule b/c sometimes you have to remind yourself not to do something unless if feels good. it should always remain fun.
Plus for me, our blog has become a way to catalog all the recipes we come up with or make for future use. I love going back and having my own recipe to make something again. i've actually referenced my own blog to remake something!
As for the other questions:
1. we've always loved to eat. we try to continue to blend eating with exercise and also trying to eat a light lunch. i just always think about the french, italians and spanish who eat one very heavy meal a day along w/ lots of vino... they seem to do ok with it. they aren't the nation with a major obesity issue. i'm lucky b/c i live in NYC and walk everywhere. i go to the gym and i try and eat as portion-controlled during the week as possible, but life is not always about everything being an exact science. it's about a balance.
2. for the budget, well i only have me and my husband, so until kids come along, i'm not thinking TOO much about that. living in NYC, as long as i eat in i'm already saving money. on the weekend if we want to go ALL out for dinner, we'll buy expensive ingredients cause we're still saving money. but most of our recipes still end up costing less than $3-$4 per person b/c we have enough for lunch leftovers. Also, growing your own herbs and some veggies saves some $$. Freezing meat if you see it on sale is another great way to save $$. and using fresh veggies is great too. Another thing we try to do is think about how we can use things in our fridge that need eating up all week.
great thought-provoking post!
Hi Celine,
HAHAHA, I have the exact same challenges & opportunities - I guess that what all food bloggers feel too eh? So thank you for voicing it out.
Because, because of you, there's plenty of good advice here and I pick up. :)
Au Revoir, Monkee
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